What is a Payoff Statement?
A payoff statement is a document you must request from your current loan servicer which lets us know the funds required to close out your loan(s) at a future date, which includes all interest accrued between today and that future date. It takes your daily interest into account, unlike your regular monthly statement. Some servicers have an option on their site to request a payoff statement; other servicers have a payoff calculator. We can accept screenshots of this, as long as your name and account number are visible. If your payoff verifications don’t show your name and account number, you will also need to upload a regular statement that does show this info.
Payoff Date Selection
If you are given a choice, please choose a payoff date 10-30 days in the future.
Payoff Instructions by Servicer
Pick your servicer from the list below and follow their specific instructions.
American Education Services (AES)
- Log in at https://login.aessuccess.org/accountAccess/index.cfm.
- Go to the “Account Summary.”
- Select “Payments & Billing.”
- Select “Loan Payoff” in the leftmost column.
- Select the loan that you want to request a payoff for.
- Select the 30day payoff date from today’s date.
- Select “Request A Payoff Amount” to calculate your payoff amount.
- Repeat this for each individual loan.
- Save a print version of each page.
You may also call (800) 233-0557 to request a 30-day payoff statement.
Aspire Resources
Call (800) 243-7552 to request a 30-day payoff statement.
Bank of North Dakota (BND)
- Log in to your account at https://bnd.nd.gov/studentloans/manage-your-loan/.
- Click on the “View Payoff Details” tab next to your “Outstanding Balance” link in the “Account Snapshot” summary on the page.
- Under the “Select Number of Days” choose “30” to obtain your 30-day payoff statement.
Call (800) 967-2400 to request a 30-day payoff statement.
Call (800) 663-1662 to request a 30-day payoff statement.
- Log in at https://www.discoverstudentloans.com/MFA/EnterUsername.aspx.
- Go to “Account Details”.
- Save a print version of this page with a thirty day payoff balance for each loan.
You may also call (800) STUDENT to request a 30-day payoff statement.
To request a payoff statement for your loan, please contact Earnest’s Client Happiness team via [email protected] or call (888) 601-2801.
- Log in to your account at https://secure.edfinancial.myloanmanager.com/Account/Login.
- Click on the “View Payoff Details” tab next to your “Outstanding Balance” link in the “Account Snapshot” summary on the page.
- Under the “Select Number of Days” choose “30” to find your 30-day payoff statement.
- Go to https://accountaccess.myfedloan.org.
- Log in with your username and password.
- Select “Loan Payoff” under the Payments & Billing header.
- Select the loan that you wish to pay off.
- Click on the “Request A Payoff Amount” button.
- Enter your desired payoff information, requesting a date 30 days from today.
- Save a copy of your payoff statement or take a screenshot.
- Repeat this process for each of the loans that you wish to pay off.
Please note that FedLoan payoff documents frequently omit the borrower’s name and account number. A separate document containing this information can be obtained using the below instructions.
- Go to https://accountaccess.myfedloan.org.
- Log in with your username and password.
- Select “Loan Info.”
- Click “loan verification letter” and a document titled “Credit Reference Letter” will be downloaded.
Firstmark Services (FMARK)
Your monthly billing statement should include a payoff amount on page 2. Please upload all pages of the most recent version of this statement. If your statement does not have a payoff amount dated into the future, please call (888) 538-7378 to request a 30-day payoff statement.
Granite State (GSMR)
- Log in to your account at https://secure.gsmr.myloanmanager.com/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f.
- Click view current outstanding balance.
- Add 30 days worth of daily interest payments and to your current outstanding balance to calculate the 30-day payoff amount.
You may also call (888) 556-0022 to request that a thirty day payoff statement be emailed to you.
Great Lakes
- Log in to your account and click “Payments” in the top navigation bar, then select “Manage Payments” from the dropdown menu.
- Click the “Calculate Payoff Amount” link.
- Use the “Choose Payoff Date” field to select a date between 10 and 30 days from now, then click “Calculate”.
- Save this document or take a screenshot of the information, making sure to include your name and account number.
Heartland ESCI (ESCI)
- Log in to your account and download “ebilling statement.” Be sure that the payoff date listed is within 10-30 days from the current date.
- If date is not within 10-30 days, contact the Servicer (University you attended) and request a 10-30 day payoff statement.
Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESAA)
Call (609) 584-4480 to request a 30-day payoff statement.
Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation (KSLC)
- Log in to your account at https://www.kheslc.com/login.html#.VpVqYE0m6Uk.
- Click “Loan Payoff Calculator” on left-hand side.
- Enter “30 days” in the calculator.
- Log into your account at https://www.mohela.com/default.aspx and select Payoff Calculator under Payment Assistance.
- Choose your payoff method (Choose Mail).
- Select your Payoff Date.
- Select which loans you would like to pay off (you may choose one or more) and click Calculate.
- Your Payoff Calculator Results will be presented to you and you will be able to print details of the payoff estimate.
- Instructions will be provided for how to make your payment via your chosen payoff method.
National Education Servicing (NES)
- Log in to your account at https://www.nationaled.net/.
- On the main account page, under the demographic information tab, you will find the payoff amount calculator.
- Enter “30 days” into the calculator to get your 30-day payoff amount.
Private Loans – Stafford – Subsidized/Unsubsidized; Consolidation; Parent PLUS Loan; Graduate PLUS
- Call Navient at (888) 272-5543.
- Request a 30-day payoff statement to be emailed to you.
US Dept of Education Loans – Subsidized/Unsubsidized; Direct Consolidation Loan; Direct Parent PLUS Loan; Direct Graduate PLUS
- Call Navient at (800) 722-1300.
- Request a 30-day payoff statement to be emailed to you.
- Log into your Nelnet account and access the Payments section of your account.
- Below the field where you enter a Payment Amount, select Payoff Quote.
- Select a payoff date between 10 and 30 days from now.
- Take a screenshot of the entire page (including your name and account number).
You may also call (888) 486-4722 and request a 30 day payoff statement and a loan summary with your complete account numbers.
New Mexico Student Loans (NMSL)
Call (800) 279-5063 to request a 30-day payoff statement.
Oklahoma Student Loan Authority (OSLA)
Call (866) 264-9762 to request a 30-day payoff statement.
PenFed Credit Union
Call PenFed member services at (800) 247-5626 to request a 30-day payoff statement. Please ask that the full loan number be included on the payoff.
Sallie Mae
- Log in to your account.
- Look for the “Loan Details” section.
- Choose “Calculate Payoff”.
- Pick a date between 10 and 30 days from now.
- Save or take a screenshot of this information.
- If these payoffs do not show your full name and account number, you’ll also need to upload a copy or screenshot of your statement that shows your full name and account number.
Please note that Sallie Mae payoff documents frequently omit the borrower’s name and account number. You can download the regular billing statement, which includes this information, in the “Tax Forms and Documents” section of your account.
South Carolina Student Loan
- Log in to your account at https://www.scstudentloan.org/.
- Click on “Making a Payment” and it will provide different payoff scenarios, including a 30-day amount. Select the 30-day option.
Tru Student
Call customer service at (866) 8691592 and request that a thirty day payoff statement be emailed to you.
VSAC Federal Loans
Call (888) 932-5626 to request a 30-day payoff statement.
University Accounting Services, Inc.
Call (800) 999-6227 to request a 30-day payoff statement.
Utah High Education Assistance Authority (UHEAA)
- From the main window, Go to “Payments & Billing” on the left-hand corner of the screen.
- In the “Pay All Loans” tab, click on the “Can I pay more than what I owe?” help link.
- In the pop-up window, click on the “Loan Payoff” link.
- In the next window, select all the check boxes for your loans you want to pay off (i.e., all of them).
- In the “Payment Date” field, select a date 30 days into the future and finally click the “Request a Payoff Amount” button.
- Take screenshot.
Wells Fargo Education Financial Services (WELLS)
Call (800) 658-3567 to request a 30-day payoff statement.